Common Bathroom Remodeling Misconceptions


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When it comes to bathroom remodeling, there are many myths associated with it. And it is due to these misconceptions that most people, even though they want bathroom redesigning, don't go for one. In this article, we'll talk about various bathroom remodel misconceptions that help you avoid them when you hear them. So without wasting much time, let's go ahead and read the following article.

  • You don't need Ventilation in Bathrooms
One of the most common misconceptions that most people have is that there's no need for ventilation in bathrooms. This is entirely wrong. Many often argue that bathroom windows and ventilations do the same work. So there's no need to install ventilation in the bathroom. That's an utter misconception that people have regarding ventilation in the bathroom. Windows allow ventilation, but using vent fans ensures that the moisture from the bathroom is removed. As a result, this prevents mold growth in your bathrooms. So don't think twice before installing vent fans in your bathrooms.
  • You need a Bigger Bathroom
When someone hears the term bathroom remodeling, the first thing that comes to mind is a big spacious bathroom. We all have seen advertisements for big luxurious bathrooms with big tubs. So, when we think of renovations, that's the first thought that comes to mind. But that's a misconception. You need to have bigger bathrooms; even a small/medium bathroom can be arranged in a spacious way. With the right design and layout, you can turn your small/medium-sized bathroom comfortable and spacious.
  • Bathroom remodels do not add value to the home
Another common misconception about bathroom remodeling is that it doesn't add to the value of your home. But that's not true! People who buy houses look for a good bathroom, which adds value to the house. Even if the house is good, but the bathroom turns out to be clumsy, there's a high chance that the house can't be sold at the maximum value. So you can remodel your bathroom without worrying about the value it adds to your house.
  • Need a Big Budget
Remodeling is a huge investment, no doubt but the fact that bathroom renovation requires a big budget is a misconception. You might have a small budget, yet you can give your bathroom a new classy look. Many remodeling agencies provide you with extraordinary bathroom design ideas within your budget. After all, as they say, ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.’
  • You must have a but tub
Having a bath tub in your bathroom that'll help you relax after a tiring day is undoubtedly the best thing. But having a tub isn't mandatory. If you have a small-sized bathroom, you don't need to tear down the entire bathroom just to fit a tub. There are different kinds of showers available in the market you can easily choose one of your choices. Or you can turn your small bathroom into a mini sauna. After all, there are different ways by which one can easily enjoy one's bath. To sum up, these are some misconceptions that many people have regarding bathroom remodeling. But if you have the right remodeling agency by your side, everything turns out to be easy. EA Home Design in Virginia is the leading remodeling agency. They specialize not only in house remodeling but also kitchen and bathroom redesigning. You can go through their gallery and check out their previous works for various clients.

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